Trap: Another classic M. Night Shyamalan twist

7 September 2024


I watched M. Night Shyamalan’s new movie Trap recently and thought it was worthy of a blog post. Shyamalan is famous for having twists at the end of his movies and this one didn’t disappoint.

The plot of the movie revolves around a large Taylor Swift style concert. The police have discovered that a serial killer is going to be at the concert and have deployed 100’s of police to trap him. They don’t know what the killer looks like so they slowly screen the men in the crowd trying to find him. It gets weird following the killer trying to escape but it’s largely entertaining. Josh Hartnett is great and you find yourself rooting for him to escape.

Other than the serial killer the movie is also strangely focused on the pop star of the concert - Lady Raven. Her music is playing throughout and she plays a big part in the story. It’s a bit forced but then I suppose it’s based at her concert.

The second half of the movie falls off the rails and becomes even more ridiculous. Even so I’m still excited about the prospect of a twist. I’m eagerly awaiting to have my mind blown… but it doesn’t happen. The movie just fades away without any big shocks. I’m disappointed.

The next day I look through the IMDB page of the movie. I’m looking through the list of actors and something catches my eye. The name of the pop star that weirdly takes center stage of the movie is played by Saleka Shyamalan. M Night Shyamalan’s daughter. What a twist! This was never a movie about a serial killer. It’s a feature length promotion for his daughter’s music. My mind is blown. I’ve never seen a movie twist happen a day later. He’s done it again, another classic M Night Shyamalan twist.